Caramelised Onion & Cheese Quiche

Caramelised Onion & Cheese Quiche Instagram Facebook Youtube Ingredients 1 sheet shortcrust pastry 2 tbsp butter 500g onions, sliced Salt & pepper 2 tsp fresh thyme, minced 200ml sour cream 6 eggs 200g Dubliner Lighter white cheese, grated Directions Loosely lay the shortcrust pastry over the top of a 25cm (10inch) round baking tin. Tip: […]

Cheesy Baked Turkey Meatballs

Casserole dish from above containing turkey meatballs and sprinkled with Dubliner Lighter Red Cheese

Cheesy Baked Turkey Meatballs Ingredients   400 g Turkey mince 100 g Breadcrumbs 1 Garlic clove, crushed 1 Medium free-range egg, beaten 100 g Dubliner Lighter Red, grated 0.50 tbsp Oregano 0.25 tsp Salt 0.25 tsp Black pepper 1 tbsp Oil 250g Jar of tomato sauce 6 Basil leaves   Directions Preheat the oven to […]

Lighter Mushroom & Cheese Risotto

Homemade mushroom and cheese risotto on kitchen table with white wine and Dubliner Lighter white cheese

Lighter Mushroom & Cheese Risotto Ingredients   1 tbsp Low-fat margarine 1 Onion, diced 1 Garlic clove, crushed 200 g Chestnut mushrooms, sliced 300 g Arborio rice 150 ml Dry white wine 900 ml Vegetable stock, hot 0.25 tsp Salt 0.25 tsp Black pepper 75 g Dubliner Light White, grated 1 tbsp Chopped chives   […]