150 g Dubliner Vintage, sliced
 1 Pomegranate
 2 Clementines
 4 Figs
 150 g Red Grapes
 100 g Mixed nuts
 100 g Dates
 Selection of crackers
 Selection of chutneys

Take a large serving board or platter and arrange all the cheeseboard ingredients to serve. Place chutneys in small bowls to accompany.


 150 g Dubliner Vintage, sliced
 1 Pomegranate
 2 Clementines
 4 Figs
 150 g Red Grapes
 100 g Mixed nuts
 100 g Dates
 Selection of crackers
 Selection of chutneys



Take a large serving board or platter and arrange all the cheeseboard ingredients to serve. Place chutneys in small bowls to accompany.

Winter Cheese Board